Japan should be drastically changed


      The author here is Japanese. I thought my nationality did not matter for writing something on this blog. In this article, however, it does. I have been an investor since the beginning of 2018. During the process of trying to make the capital effectively work, I have been thinking about the economy of Japan a lot. It is utterly sad to see the Japanese economy continuously shrinking. Meanwhile, the leaders of Japan appear to be struggling. All they can do is merely prolong the life of the Japanese economy without drastic changes needed.

      I want Japan to be prosperous again, but what can we do to make it happen? I will discuss the potential solution here.

The current Economy of Japan in a nutshell 

      The economy of Japan has been shrinking since the 90s. The national debt has been increasing unstoppably. According to Modern Monetary Theory(MMT), government debt does not matter. However, the ever-growing debt implies that although the Japanese government spent a lot of money on public investments, it did not generate the expected outcome. Japan is a place where a lot of educated people are in it. That feature is still the case in 2020. When Japan was prosperous, a strong ideology guided its people. We now lose goals and become seemingly blind to what we are doing. Historically speaking, we have strongly depended on leaders. Around 1940, the Japanese leader guided people into a disastrous outcome in WW2, but People under the strong leader utilized all the resources available effectively for the intended purpose back then. After the War, the leader was much better because the best country, the U.S., guided Japan to a wealthy Economy. Now Japan has the same or better resources. It just needs to take advantage of those resources effectively. Human resources, which are the only and main things Japan has, should be effectively utilized. Investors should distribute money wisely.

Japan should Automate everything. 

      Automation is the key for Japan to succeed at the end of the day. If automation technology is fully developed, human beings become economically useless. That means if that happens, the aged population no longer matters. People could finally live happy lives until they say goodbye to the world. 

     We might need outstanding leadership to guide us to the next stage of humanity.

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